How do I set this bot up??

There isn't much to the setup of Clockin.

For more information about the commands used below, please check the Commands.

1 - Permissions

Clockin needs the following permissions in the channel(s) you want to use him in:

  • ATTACH_FILES ( optional, only needed for some features)

As for command permissions, I strongly recommend not giving users access to settings, purge, reset, maskchange, masktoggle, force-clockout and probably also alldata and clockedin because it spams a ton of embeds.

Permissions are not handled through the bot! You can change command permissions from your server settings in the integrations tab! See this official discord blog post for more info.

2 - "Masks"

A mask is can be seen as a clock. Clockin gives you access to multiple clocks so you can keep your stuff separated. You can choose whether or not you want to use more than one clock or not. Note: multiple users can use multiple clocks, a clock isn't tied to one specific person! I get this asked sometimes, so here's the answer. The commands you can use for managing your masks are masklist, masktoggle and maskchange.

3 - Logging

You may want to set up logging. With logging turned on, command usage will be sent into a selected channel. The bot will log who used what command and when. It will also log things that have been changed (settings) or added/removed (time), etc. To set this up use settings loggingchannel to set a channel and then settings logging to turn it on.

4 - Roles

The bot can automatically give a role when someone clocks in and take it away again when they clock out. There's 2 modes, one gives you the ability to attach a role to a specific mask (one role per one mask max, roles can be attached to multiple masks at once). To set this up use the settings maskrole command to set a role for each mask that you want to use. After that enable the giving and taking of roles by using the settings giverole command. The second mode is having the same role for all masks. To set this role use the settings onerole command and then enable the giving and taking of roles by using the settings giverole command.

The bot needs the MANAGE_ROLES permission for this to work. The role you want Clockin to give and take also has to be below Clockin's highest role (the role hierarchy in your server's settings).

5 - Ephemeral

You may have noticed the "Only you can see this" below your messages. It can be turned off (or on) using the settings ephemeral command. Turning it off makes the command usage visible to everyone in the server instead of only the person that invoked the command.