Clockin's commands and usage:

This list is in alphabetical order. Everything ending with : is an argument input. [arguments] are optional.


  • /about gives a little bit of info regarding the bot.


  • /add user: mask: time: lets you add or remove time from someone.
    • user: the user who needs time added or removed.
    • mask: the mask (clock) where time has to be added or removed.
    • time: the amount of time to be added or removed (eg. -10 for removing 10 minutes or 15 for adding 15).


  • /alldata place: retrieves all of everyone's data. (this command is spammy!)
    • place: the place to send all of the data to. dm for direct messages, channel for the channel in which the command got run.


-/button name: spawns a button in the channel the command is used -name: the name the button will have

  • The button will use a set default, there's no menu to choose a mask
  • There's 3 buttons, one for clocking in/out, one to see if you're clocked in/out and one to see your current time


Clockedin all:

  • /clockedin all place:
    • Sends a list of everyone clocked into any mask.
    • place: the place to send all of the data to. dm for direct messages, channel for the channel in which the command got run.

Clockedin mask:

  • /clockedin mask mask: place:
    • Sends a list of everyone clocked into a specific mask.
    • mask: the mask of which to send all data of.
    • place: the place to send all of the data to. dm for direct messages, channel for the channel in which the command got run.

Clockedin user:

  • /clockedin user user:
    • Sends a list of masks a user is clocked into.
    • user: the user of which to send all data of.


  • Lets you clock into a mask.
  • /clockin [mask:]
    • mask: the mask you want to clock into. (optional if default is set not yet rewritten)


  • Lets you clock out of a mask.
  • /clockout [mask:]
    • mask: the mask you want to clock out of. (optional if default is set)


Export data

-/export data flags: -flags: additional flags applicable to the export

Export help

-/export help

  • Shows helpful information regarding exporting


Force-clockout everyone:

  • /force-clockout everyone confirmation:
    • Clocks everyone out of everything
    • confirmation: type confirm in here to confirm your action.

Force-clockout mask:

  • /force-clockout mask mask: confirmation:
    • Clocks everyone out of a specific mask.
    • mask: the mask you want to clock everyone out of.
    • confirmation: type confirm in here to confirm your action.

Force-clockout user:

  • /force-clockout user user: confirmation:
    • Clocks someone out of every mask.
    • user: the user to clock out of all masks.
    • confirmation: type confirm in here to confirm your action.


  • /maskchange mask: newname: lets you change the name of a mask.
    • mask: the old name of the mask.
    • newname: the new name of the mask.


  • /maskdata mask: sends a list of everyone's data in one specific mask.
    • mask: the mask of which to send the data of.


  • /masklist sends a list of all masks. Includes their names and if they're enabled or not.


  • /masktoggle mask: lets you toggle a mask on or off. A disabled mask can't be clocked into or out of and won't appear in data commands.
    • mask: the mask which should be toggled.


Purge serverdata:

  • /purge serverdata confirmation:
    • Lets you purge everyone's data. Purging doesn't set time to 0, it completely nukes everything, meaning data commands won't show anything at all.
    • confirmation: type confirm in here to confirm your action.

Purge userdata:

  • /purge userdata user: confirmation:
    • Lets you purge an individual's data. Purging doesn't set time to 0, it completely nukes everything, meaning data commands won't show anything at all.
    • user: the user of whom to purge all data.
    • confirmation: type confirm in here to confirm your action.


Reset serverdata:

  • /reset serverdata confirmation:
    • Lets you reset everyone's data. Resetting sets times to 0, meaning they will still show up in data commands.
    • confirmation: type confirm in here to confirm your action.

Reset userdata:

  • /reset userdata user: confirmation:
    • Lets you reset an individual's data. Resetting sets times to 0, meaning they will still show up in data commands.
    • user: the user of whom to reset all data.
    • confirmation: type confirm in here to confirm your action.


  • /serverinfo shows you some basic server info.


Settings currentsettings:

  • /settings currentsettings
    • Sends you the current settings for the server you're in.

Settings ephemeral:

  • /settings ephemeral
    • Lets you toggle the ephemeral status (message visibility).

Settings forcedefault:

  • /settings forcedefault
    • Lets you toggle the defaults system on or off.

Settings giverole:

  • /settings giverole
    • Lets you toggle the giverole system. This system will give and take roles based on what mask someone clocks into or out of.

Settings logging:

  • /settings logging
    • Lets you toggle the logging system. This system will log all command usage into a channel you set.

Settings loggingchannel:

  • /settings loggingchannel channel:
    • Lets you set which channel the logs should be sent to.
    • channel: the channel where the logs should be sent.

Settings maskrole:

  • /settings maskrole mask: role:
    • Lets you define a custom role to give and take per mask. Using this command will turn off onerole.
    • mask: the mask you want to configure a role for.
    • role: the role which you want to be given and taken away when clocked into or out of the configured mask.

Settings onerole:

  • /settings onerole role:
    • Lets you define a custom role to give and take. The configured role will be the same for all masks. Using this will turn off maskrole.
    • role: the role which you want to be given and taken away when someone clocks in or out.

Settings setdefault:

  • /settings setdefault mask: role:
    • Lets you set a default. Each mask can have a role attached to it. When someone has said role, they can clock into that mask without needing to include it in the clockin command. It also restricts them from accessing masks that don't have their role set.
    • mask: the mask which you want to restrict to a role.
    • role: the role which you want to attach to a mask.


  • /statistics shows some of the bot's statistics, as well as which shard of the bot your server has.


  • /uptime shows how long your shard has been up since it got last restarted.


  • /userdata user: sends the data of someone.
    • user: the user of whom to send the data.


  • /userinfo user: shows you some basic user info.
    • user: the user of whom to send some info.